Letter from Jeduthun Baldwin to Betsey Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsey Baldwin, Gloucester
September 11, 1781
My Dear Betsey
We have by your Uncle Parkman got your letter, in which you request
that I should come down for you, you may remember it was on those conditions
that I left you, viz, some of your good friends
should favour us at Brookfield with a Vissit, & bring you in company.
& we have lately heard by Capt. Parker, that Mrs. Coffin was coming
up with you, I should be verry sorry to have you give your friends any
trouble, you are exceedingly wanted at home, your Mama is wishing every
Hour that you were at home. I hope you will without difficulty get to Bron.
Parkmans Boston & as soon as I hear of your being their I shall go,
or send for you, but I cannot go down to Cape Ann, why did you not go to
Boston with your Brother? if you can possibly I would have you get to Boston
by the 26 instant, as I [some?] expect to be down at that time, & if
you are not there I shall be obliged to return without you, which will
be a great disapointment to your Mama, I hope we shall see Mr. & Mrs.
Coffin at Brookfield at some other time if they cant come now, your
Mama has [lotted?] greatly on seeing them present my most greatful respects
& Love with your Mama to your Uncle Forbes & to Mr. & Mrs.
Coffin. I should with pleasure see them soon to accompany you home, but
my business will not permit, & another [day?] is I have not any Money.
Thank them in my name for all the kindnesses you have recd your favours
I doubt not have been many. they must be returned with interest when you
have it in your power.
Your Mama joins me in hearty Love to you from your Affectionate Father
Jedun. Baldwin
Betsey Baldwin
Letter from Jeduthun Baldwin to Betsy Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsey Baldwin
Date: August 12, 1786
Brookfield, 12th August 1786
Dear Betsey,
It is now more than a month since you left us, & we have rec'd no
letter from you. & what is more strange, we have not heard one word
from you any other way, no not even from Luke. But we hope
you are well, no news, is said sometimes to be good news. We wish to
hear from you, as you may reasonably think. Your Mother has not been very
well this week, but is so as to keep about House &
has rode some. We hope she is now geting better, thro the mercy of
God. Mr. Appleton with his wife, sets out next Monday morning to visit
her friends, he has wrote your Uncle Forbes for an exchange so that we
are not without hopes of seeing him, with some of our Cape Ann friends
next week.
I shall close with requesting you to write to your affectionate
Father Jedun Baldwin
Betsey Baldwin
P.S. We have just done haying our family small, only 8.
Letter from Jeduthun Baldwin to Betsey Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsey Baldwin, Glocester
Date: August 26, 1786
Brookfield, 26th August 1786
Dear Betsey
Your Mother has been very unwell a month or more, but not so as to be
confined to the house, but we hope she is now getting better, tho very
feble & not able to see to her business yet, which has worried her
too much. Ruth is with us for one year & she is a very good girl, but
your mother has wished several times to have you sent for home, which I
have put of, as we are loth to deprive you of
the happiness of your friends. We hope you will make an agreeable visit,
your Mother talks of going down with me the beginning of October if her
health permits & if we can get money for the expense of the journey.
Your Mother has recd your letter [Mr. Ginckley??] & are pleased with
the kind treatment you have met with.
Present our love in the kindest manner to Mr. & Mrs. Forbes, respects to the Misses Parsons, and our love in perticular to all your cousin Coffins. We were in hopes of seeing them, or in perticular your Uncle Forbes at Brookfield before this time, we have reason to be angry with Mr. Appleton, for his not sending in season, to Mr. Forbes for exchange of pulpits. I am not alone in the disappointment, but must bare it at present your mother will send you the gounds you wrote for, with this.
We wish you a good State of Health & that you may have a happy time
with your Friends, but hope you will not be troublesom, or burden them
with your staying too long. Send word by letter when you
will come home & I will come or send for you to Boston, if you
wish to come before October. I am
your Affectionate Father
Jedun Baldwin
Your mother joins me in love to you