Letter from J Baldwin (brother) to Betsy Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsy Baldwin, Glocester, pr Mr. Whittemore
Date: Sept. 27, 1781
Cambridge 27th Sep. 81
Dear Sister
With great pleasure I read your very agreeable letter wc I recd pr Mr. Whittemore, I was exceeding glad to hear from but especially to see you have not quite forgot me. I assure you I am greatly indebted to the nimbleness of your pen, and I ever acknowledged the Obligation, & why should not I, for I am persuaded, if you dont answer all my Letters, you write when you can't help it. I have not recd any word from home since last week, I expect my Father next week. I suppose he [??] to carry you with him. I dare say you want to see Mama.
Sept. 27. This Morning Wheat Gilbert was here, he tells me the folks at home are well. I want very much to see you, if possible, I shall in the Vacation go to see Luke. I have sent a Pair of Shoes for him by Mr. Whittemore who is going to Newbury next week, if he does not I wish you'd find them the first Opportunity. I am exceeding glad Uncle Forbes is settled again hope he is happy in this last Connexion. Present my proper Respects to him, Aunt Champney must share in her part of Suitables. Ms. Coffin &c &c but mind in giving others their due to keep some for yourself.
I am Dr Sisr
Yr Affect Bror
P.S. You may put on mourning for the little gray horse is dead. --