Letter from Breck Parkman to Betsey Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsey Baldwin, Brookfield
Westborough Jan 10 1788
Dear Betsey
You no doubt will think very odd of this you have broke the seals of
this letter to find my name at the
bottom, -- but -- Oh! the occation -- death has again broke in upon
us, we are again wringing our hands & wiping our eyes -- Josiah is
no more. Oh, hes gone, he is gone. His pious soul that sat so long quivering
on his lips last evening at 5 o'clock took its flight. He has made his
leap into a boundless eternity, he is gone to receive the rewards of his
Virtue & piety, his body lies a cold lifeless corps by the wall stifned
with death, no more we hear him speak, he breaths not -- weep, weep with
me oh my friend, for I am sensibly touchd in the most tender part -- this
causes a new gush from eyes already drownd by weeping, he was my faithful
friend my kind & tender Brother but hes no more. -- After his reprieve
from his [summer?] sickness went to Dedham, to a famous Doctor -- [stayed?]
10 days but got no relief. 2 days after his return was taken with a fainting,
he died away, we were all alarmed with it, but he came too & in part
recovered. But left him very weak, he grew weaker daily, was sensible he
could not live & seem'd not much to desire it, he by degrees lost his
voice & for more than a week before his death could not speak loud.
Abt 2 oClock yesterday he was struck with Death, he was sensible of it,
said he was going, took his leave of us with great composure, had his senses
bright to the last, he breathd shorter & shorter, a few minutes before
death -- was heard to say -- why tarry his chariot wheels so long? -- then
after a few more breaths, come Lord Jesus come quickly -- then -- into
thy hands I commit my Spirit -- then ceas'd to breath -- so died our worthy
friend as a pius christian dies. The Funeral to be next Tuesday 1 oClock.
I add no more but your afflicted friend
Breck Parkman