Letter from Siderio to Betsy Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsy Baldwin, Brookfield.
Reverse: To Miss Eliza of Brookfield, and my love to Miss Maria
Date: December 24, 1786
Westboro, Decembr 24 1786
Worthy Friend. --
Where art thou amidst this snowy Region not a word have I heard from the Western Group, since I took my Eastern Flight. By this time, you may well suppose me thoughts warmly engaged, and my Tounge Cosily imployd in inquiring after the welfare of my truly esteemed Friend.
This way the frigid Zone, and S[n]owy Fleece has been so prodigious
that we conceited we did well to get from one end of the Town to the other,
-- but I believe I shoud thought I had done better, coud I with Nancy have
come to Brookfield by this Time, -- but so it is, -- yet I flatter myself
being their before many Days, and finding, as I hope, Asphalia, in
good Spirits, freed, from every Impediment to Happiness. -- is your Cough
taken its Flight. -- pray tell me. -- why will you not. -- who is there
among all your Acquaintance that woud rejoice more at the News of your
from wery, Calamity, or Sympathise more sincerely with you under any
The latter part of next week, if the wether and going is good, and nothing
to prevent, you may expect to hear the Bells of our Sleigh to Rattle, and
soon after the Appearance of Siderio, and his Sister, who woud rejoice
was it to take place this Evening, for there is no Person we wish more
to see than our friend A--a. -- we have been to Hopkinston, and found the
Ladies gay and Sprightly there Company engaging and good wishes flowed
in abundance. my Health is mostly conferm'd my Cough is almost left me,
and my Heart in consequence is filled with Gratitude. may God be bless'd
present and future Felicity, and Cround at last with one who shall
[??] the Cares of this Life and lead you with that Love and tenderness
that accompanies the Souls of the Virtuous is the wish of your constant
and unalterable Friend in Affection Siderio --
my Duty to your worthy Parents. --
Love to Miss Polly, and accept the same from yours &c --
Letter from Siderio to Betsy Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsy Baldwin, Brookfield, Hon'd by Mr. Whelock
Westboro Septemr 6 1785
Sister Betsy,
I wrote to you & Nancy, last Evening and have sent it on as far as Wocester, not knowing of a direct opportunity of having it deliver'd at your House. but this Afternoon Mr. Whelock has been at the Shop and left word that he shou'd return to morrow morning, and wou'd oblidge me in forwarding any thing of this kind. -- as the passage is so easy. I am not willing it shou'd pass unnoticed notwithstanding I wrote but last Night. -- and depend on it, I shall not like you & Nancy neither the less if you are as fond of filling every space of conveyance of Letters as I am. What have you been doing this day, and three or four days pass'd, write me tomorrow and answer my Queries and not suffer me to bide always in oblivion. Sister Parkman has got more comfortable has set up some of this day. -- I have since diner waited on our worthy Grand Mamana to visit here and now am at leasure to tell you of it. I put those articles for your Mamma with the other Letter, and a Phyal of Balsamum Traumotuum for your Cough. I was much disappointed in preparing of it being anxious of sending you some this morning. -- not knowing of another conveyance soon, hurrying it too fast, and not being able to attend to it by reason of Mrs. P--n Illness. The heat was so powerful as caus'd the cork to fly from the bottle, and destroy'd two thirds of it, and I am afraid damag'd the remaining part. -- am very sorry on your account as well as my own. -- tis Inocent, wou'd have you take of it freely, for several days, perhaps its damage is not so great as I am apprehensive, if it has not taken any hurt I think it is calculated to do you much good. -- tell your Mamm' to make a Pill of what I have sent, the bigness of a Pea, to take at a time. likewise to put the peel of an orange, with her Bark, that they may be steep'd together. I don't think of any thing more to write to Night and of consequence will leave the Subject.
P.S. Please to present Duty to your worthy Daddy & Mamma, Love to Nancy, and accept of the same from your unalterable
Friend & Brother
Miss Baldwin, Brookfield
Letter from Siderio to Betsy Baldwin
Address: Miss Betsy Baldwin, Brookfield H.'d by Mr. Parkman
Westboro Janury 17 1787
Worthy Friend,
Mr. Parkman proposes a Journey this morning to Brookfield, and I cou'd wish it was consistant for me to be his Company but it is not. -- time after time I have set to prosecute my wishes but one sickness after another has depriv'd me of seeing & Conversing with the one whose Company I most esteem. -- Last week Nancy & I got ready to take our rid in the morning, but the same Night, I was unhappily called for to see a Person violently sick with a Nervous Fever. Sunday my Father was taken very sick, but to my joy has got much better, so as I can leave him soon. Yesterday another old Woman, sent for me, who is quite sick, and for my Comfort I shou'd be glad she and the Girl that prevented our ride last week was not less than fifty miles from this. -- now the Snow is gorn of, -- and what shall we do, can we come, -- we want to very much -- can we -- Yes we will. I intend to go and see Nancy this day and tell her to get ready, and we will set out to morrow or next day, and we wont go to sleep till we can greet Alphelia with friendly Salutations. I wnt for to hear of your welfare, for I have not since I was so happy as to see you. will conclude you are yet living otherwise I shou'd have heard of it unless you left word to conceal it from me, lest I shou'd go in mourning for the loss of my Affectionate Friend. I am really a bull and in tolerable Health wishing my Friend equally as happy. Shoud be glad to write much more, but Mr. Parkman is waiting and can only subscribe myself your Constant and unalterable Friend and well wisher,
Letter from Siderio to Betsy Baldwin
Address:Miss Betsy Baldwin, Brookfield, F'd by Mr. Newton
Satterday Morning Eight OClock
Dear Betsy,
Mr. Newton is so kind as to visit a few minutes while I can tell you of the Mellancolly & mournful condition of your Friends here, last week my Hon'd Father Clos'd his Eyes in Death, he is no more, his Lips are pail, his Body cold and Lifeless & now commited to the dust -- may it quicken me & all concerned for a sudden departer. Mrs. Brigham, life is not expected but a few days.
The Bearer is waiting and oblidges me to leave of. I want much to see you -- please to write back by the Bearer.
Your Friend and wellwisher